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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Create a link with HTML
Hey Everyone,

It seams that some of you were interested in the Blog Of The Month contest. We haven't received any valid entries, as of yet. I'm guessing some of you may not know HTML, so i have decided to show you how, so we can all participate the contest.

What you can do is go to your blog entry that you want to enter in the contest. make sure it's the only post on the page. You will now copy the entire URL in the address bar. You do this by, right clicking and selecting "select all". Right click again and select "copy".

Then come back go to the comment section of the January Blog of the month post. Click comments and enter the following.....

Delete the word paste, Leave the quotation marks. Right click select paste, thats it!

Hope you all enter the contest!
Monday, January 7, 2008
January/08 Blog of the Month!
If you want to enter the "blog of the month" contest! Please post your links to any, or all, of your entries here as a comment. This will make it easy for people to check out your blog, and vote.

This is the first contest, so I my have to work out some bugs. I am hoping to let the members vote via poll.

Right now to be eligible to be "blog of the month" you have to....

1. Post your entries in the comments!
( you may use one comment and submit multiple entries )

2. Be an active member.
( have left comments at other members blogs )

If you need help on how to make a link, just post a message at the group, and I'm sure some one will explain it.

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Sunday, January 6, 2008
Welcome all bloggers!
This blog was created for the Yahoo group "Blogging Fans".

If you have a blog and would, like to gain traffic, comments, build back links, and possibly earn extra money, this is a group to get involved in. We are currently working on blog of the month, for our members! where we will feature a short summary of the blog with links, to send traffic their way.

To Qualify for the blog of the month you must:

1. Be an active member ( have visited and commented on other members blogs )
2. Submit a link in our message section to any of your blog entries.