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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Protecting Our Children

Thanks for the post from Sylvester Campbell

Both of my daughters and I use Security choice as our home alarm system. Owning a home is a very important and major step in a person’s life. We want to feel protected, to feel our valuables (both monetarily valuable as well as sentimentally valuable) are protected. When my grandsons were small, we had to explain the beeps when we entered the house, the rush to the keypad, and why it was important that we go through that process each time we leave and enter the house. It is important to teach children at an early age the importance of safety in all areas of their lives. We teach them not to talk to strangers, demonstrate scenarios where strangers might try to lure them to their car, and explain that it is not only okay but imperative that they scream, kick, and claw if a stranger picks them up in a store. We live in an increasingly dangerous world and it is a shame that our children cannot play in their own front yards!

Protein Shales (what's your recipe?)
Hello bloggers!
Do you have a special protein shake recipe?
I would love to read all about it. Just leave me a comment and a link to it. I will reply to all Legimate comments.
The reason I'm asking is I've recently started working out. I'm trying to focus on dieting, not in the sense of loosing weight, just to gain quicker result, and to feel and be healthier. One of the main things I've been doing is having a protein shake after my workout.

Right now it's been whey's strawberry mixed with a glass of milk. Now I want to make my shake a little bit more of a reward. I want to want to workout just somI can have that special shake.

Let me know what you do?