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Saturday, June 2, 2012
Smoke breaks
I never really got smoking. Sure I've tried it, I thought it was gross. The other things I didn't like about it were sneaking to even have a smoke, or the lying. Most of the people I hung out with didn't get in to smoking either. Which probably made it easy to not get sucked in by peer pressure. Not that I think I would of, but I know how it feels. Now that I'm older and I still don't smoke, I think about starting. You may be thinking why would I start now? Simply because of company politics. Let's just say they're two type of people, people who will work hard, and don't smoke, and then they're people who work hard and do smoke. who will go further in the company? Most likely the smokers because during there smoke breaks, they're socializing, and when it comes time for promotions it's going to be the people they know better. It also seems like they get more advantages, like smoke breaks. I can't walk out to my car to get a Drink from my cooler, but five people can stand outside talking and smoking. I take less time getting my drink then there smoke break, I walk by on my way out to my car and on my way back they're still there, so really don't understand why I would even be spoken too. That's why I need to get some blucigs.com