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Sunday, August 26, 2012
Smoking in the boys room!
Hello bloggers!

Motley Crüe is coming to Boston in September, and one of their songs came into my head, "Smoking in the boys room". I started to think, I wonder if that's still a big problem for schools. I have a feeling it is, but would like to think with how expensive they are, that kids can't get their hands on them! Or want to risk them being swiped. 

It was easy back in the day to snag a few from boxes that were left out in the open, or save your lunch money. The most common method was to just bum one, but you eventually start to get a bad name doing that. It wasn't the cost it that pissed people off just fact you never have any when someone else is in need.

There was a trend going around with the new vapor cigarettes. I've seen them in malls but never at restaurants or work places. I Definatley could see schools having a problem with them. Kids always want to push their limits. Teacher would catch a kids smoking, and the punk would probably say it's legal there Blucigs.